Former members of Iron Monkey playing scuzzy punk'n'roll. These dudes only released a couple 7 inches and this EP before breaking up (almost a decade ago). The singer of this band, Tony Sylvester, just recently replaced Hank Von Helvete in Turbonegro (the outcome can't possibly be as bad as Hank's new band Doctor Midnight and the Mercy Cult). If you dig Mötörhead, Zeke and Ass Cobra-era Turbonegro then The Dukes Of Nothing will leave you moist in the crotch.
man, thanks for more one good album, I'm big fan of slufge metal and turbonegro, this album sounds really awesome. changing the subject, I used to keep a blog for download and some random comment, http://fuktmp3.blogspot.com/ but now I'm using tumblr, check http://fuktmp3.tumblr.com/ out (portuguese text cause I'm from brazil). We have some band taste in commmon, if you want to keep in contact, call me on messenger at felipesafteugenio@hotmail.com or with gtalk at felipesafteugenio@multimidia.inf.br. cheers.