Oxnard California, the land of no toilets (according to Ill Repute) produced a totally rad style of hardcore dubbed "Nardcore". The scene also birthed one of my favourite punk bands, Rich Kids On LSD (RKL). This comp is jam packed with tasty hardcore nuggets from RKL, Ill Repute, Scared Straight, Stäläg 13, Dr. Know, False Confession and Agression (among others). Yeah this is on Mystic Records so the production leaves a lot to be desired, but who fucking cares when the tunes rage so hard. Mystic Records' owner Doug Moody never paid the bands on his label a cent and is generally regarded as a prick, but the time I prank called him (collect no less) he was nothing but a gentleman. The one thing that unites all these bands is their lightning fast tempos and blistering lead guitar parts, I mean everyone of the bands featured here totally rages. Crank this up and circle pit around the room.
This is the first in a series of posts I'll be making dedicated to "Nardcore" and its related bands. So if you dig this, I'll be keeping the good times rolling.